Acne treatment may consist of various remedies, including acne medications, over-the-counter creams or natural acupuncture & herbs. Any of these remedies works by limiting bacterial growth on the skin and minimizing acne outbreaks.
However, there are several different types of acne, and the treatment remedies may vary from person to person. According to oriental medicine principles, skin swelling can result from several causes like heat in blood, blood deficiency, stomach heat, and damp-heat toxins.
In most cases, acne is often related to teens as they hit puberty. Today things are different, and many adults are suffering from acne too. The typical puberty-related acne results from excess Heat (positive life energy) in the body rising to the face.
Unfortunately, adult acne is unrelated to sebum secretion. Most adult acne is a result of dampness and inflammation. Consuming too much oily food, cold food, dairy, and processed foods can cause the body’s energy failing to transform and transport nutrients, thus causing adult acne.
Most adult acne is highly concentrated below the cheekbone and the neck area, unlike the puberty acne that appears on the face. During summer, acne can get worse due to extra sebum secretion. On the contrary, there is minimal sebum secretion during winter, and one can manage acne.
Due to cold and dry winter air precipitating the skin and causing dead skin cells to block the pores, some people may experience increased acne, making the situation worse. As a result, the blocked pores fill up with sebum, causing a bacterial infection on the skin.
In general, Acne Treatment can involve cleansing your face to unblock pores with sebum. But that can not be the solution to getting rid of acne thoroughly. It is just a temporary effect, and with time, acne may recur once again.
Nature acupuncture & herbs can help treat and eliminate acne. The Oriental treatment uses tiny acupuncture holes boosted with herbs to regenerate new skin layers as the old outer skin is gradually replaced. The whole process does not leave scars after treatment.
In addition, acupuncture needles help open up thousands of blocked pores, which significantly help in releasing accumulated sebum. Daily care is also crucial in treating acne. Patients can do that by having regular balanced meals and keeping off from fatty foods.
High glycemic index (GI) foods should be avoided, while a good diet should include unprocessed grains, seaweed, vegetable and fibrous food with low GI. Acne patients should also avoid sunlight because harmful UV rays can aggravate acne problems.
Insufficient rest and stress can trigger acne breakout. Always ensure you have enough sleep to help your skin to regenerate a new growing skin layer. Lastly, regulating hormones can help clear a skin filled with acne. Patients with sensitive skin should consider seeing a dermatologist for screening and prescription-strength medication.
If you have acne resistant to self-care treatment, you should seek medical assistance for safer treatment. Drinking at least eight glasses of water in a day can help prevent acne. Patients should avoid vigorous rubbing or squeezing the pimples.